Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Gingerbread House

Thank you Dylan and John for making a Gingerbread house for  us to share.   It was so pretty and colourful that it seemed a shame to eat it.   However, we didn't mind as it tasted so yummy.

Monday, 5 December 2011

Turbo Touch

We love learning to play Turbo Touch.  It is really fun.  We have been learning the rules.  We have to pass the ball twice before we can score a try.

You need to concentrate as you pass the ball.

You need to run and dodge the defenders.

 A try is touching the ball down between the cones.

Friday, 11 November 2011


In Room 4 we have been using the ipads to help us learn our maths.

We love learning on the ipads.  Sometimes we work on our own or we can use the ipad with a buddy.


Today we took a photo of our class at 11 minutes past 11 on 11.11.11.  We found out that this date is a 'repunit palindrome day', a rare event that will not occur again this century.  
We thought of some words that are palindromes: mum, nan, dad, anna, did.  Can you think of any more at home to share on the blog?

Monday, 7 November 2011

The Webb Ellis Trophy

Today we were very lucky because the Webb Ellis Cup came to Normandale School.  All the classes went to the hall to see it.  Our class had their photo taken with the Cup.  We felt honoured because we were one of the first schools to see it.  We dressed in black to celebrate.  Go  All Blacks!

Monday, 31 October 2011

Captain Cashtastic

Captain Cashtastic came to visit our school.  We were all very clever and helped him sort the coins and notes in the order of their value.

He was very funny especially when he pretended to be a superhero.  
We learnt that we need to ''speed to our needs'' and ''save for our wants.''

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Australia Day

Today we had a Parade of Nations.  We dressed in green and gold, the colours of the Australian rugby team.  We had corks on our hats to keep the flies away while we showed our Aboriginal artwork and recited our poem 'Koala Sam'.

Tongan Team Training

    We all made flags and practised cheering before we went and watched  the Tongan team train.

Monday, 26 September 2011

Blackout Day

Can you see the NZ our school made to show our support for the All Blacks last Friday?  Our class were part of the Z.  Thank you all for dressing in black and joining in the fun.

Monday, 19 September 2011

Making Lamingtons

Our class is finding out about Australia during the Rugby World Cup.  Lamingtons were first made in Australia.  We had fun making them in our class.
This is Willem's recount about making lamingtons.
On Monday we made lamingtons.  First we cut the sponge cake.  Next we dipped it in chocolate.  Finally we rolled it in the coconut.  It was yummy.  I wish I could make them again.

Monday, 12 September 2011

Swimming at Huia Pool

We all learnt heaps of new skills at the Huia.  We can float and we loved using noodles to help us.

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Our Winter Wonderland

We all rugged up in our warm clothes and went outside.  Snow all over our adventure playground was a very unusual sight!  Some of us tasted the snow and others just wanted to run around in it.

Pets Visit Normandale School

We all loved Pat's guinea pigs.  We had turns holding them.  They are tame and friendly.
Bridget's goat Toby and her kid Perky who was only eleven days old.  Perky's hair was lovely and soft.  Mum was quite anxious and kept calling for her kid.
Ciaran brought his two day old lamb named Ivory to school.  We all thought that she was very cute.

Thursday, 4 August 2011


We are learning about fractions.  Today we made fairy bread to show how you you can make equal shares of a piece of bread.  We know that both sides should be the same size so we cut down the middle to make two halves.  To make four quarters we cut it in half again.

We buttered our bread.
Next we sprinkled on hundreds and thousands.
We cut the bread in the middle to make two halves.
Two children could each have a half.
It was then cut into quarters.
They tasted yummy!

Friday, 15 July 2011

100 days at school celebration

We have now been at school for 100 days.  To celebrate we spent our day making 100 glasses, hats and doing 100 fitness.  We all loved making and eating our 100 fairy bread.  Everyone brought along a collection of 100 things.  We all had very interesting ideas.  There were sticker, shell, grass, lego, stamps, money and many other interesting collections.  It was a fantastic day!

Wednesday, 29 June 2011


We have been painting pictures of the story of Rangi and Papa.

Our new class

We have moved next door and are feeling at home in our new room.  We are all working hard.
We're happy to be in Room 4

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Welcome to Room 4

We have a lovely group of children starting in Room 4 this week.  We are looking forward to making our new room bright and attractive with all our work.